The Sonya Wellness Health & Beauty section was placed in the three-story building in the park of the castle. The building used to function as an inn.
You can experience the perfect relaxation with us, because you can not only rest in a refreshing environment but get competent help to do so in our wellness centre. We shape everything to emit peace, serenity and to let you forget your problems when you enter. Our goal is for you to find inner harmony, so you can feel like you were in a different world with the Pacific and Middle Eastern style next to the antiquity of the castle. In the centre, the Sony Wellness suite, the Sonya Wellness Superior room and the Wellness cocktail bar have been established to make the relaxation more complete.
You can choose any type of massage and, immediately releasing stress, you will be completely transformed! In our milk bath, you can feel like Cleopatra. We pay attention to the health of our guests even during their rest. Use the salt cabin if you want your lungs to be cleared of smog traces!
You can choose the common forms of relaxation like the bubble bath and the reverse current pool. In the relaxation section, you can talk with your family members or you can simply enjoy the peace and quiet between two massages (of which you can freely choose). For the ladies, we offer cosmetic treatments as well. Please inform us about your request beforehand in order to have everything ready for you in time.
We know that our guests often choose this amazing location of Szirák because the environment is calming, the air is fresh and you don’t have to worry about the exhausting weekdays. We can also say you can let your daily problems go and spend these few days in a magical place which reenergizes you, if you will.
Some European massage grips are based on Swedish massage. It refreshes the body with 5 basic techniques. It boosts blood circulation, improves digestion, relieves pain – for example stress headache – speeds up the healing process after injuries, alleviates insomnia, enhances alertness, but first and foremost, it helps you relax and reduces stress. Its massage techniques – smoothing, rubbing, patting, kneading, alternating pressure techniques, vibration – affect the physiological functions of our body.
Lymphatic, Russian, Soul, Swedish, and Metamorphic Massage Combination.
The primary component of this treatment, the lymphatic massage, helps eliminate lymphatic congestion, positively impacts the immune system, stimulates the removal of toxins, promotes cell and tissue regeneration, reduces inflammation, and supports the healing of existing inflammations and wounds.
Russian massage uses specialized techniques that address both body and mind, helping to reduce pain and stress, improve blood circulation and oxygen supply, and enhance overall health.
Soul massage is a gentle yet deeply relaxing body-oriented technique that focuses on releasing energy blockages within the body, activating the body’s natural defense and self-healing powers.
Swedish massage provides direct physiological benefits, while the caring touch also supports mental well-being.
Metamorphic massage is not a traditional massage; instead, it is a gentle technique aimed at releasing emotional and energetic blockages. By softly stimulating reflex points on the body, it aids in liberating and transforming inner blockages, helping the body to achieve harmony
This technique enhances energy flow throughout the body, reducing stress and anxiety. By releasing emotional and mental blockages, it promotes a peaceful, deeply relaxed state, benefiting both body and mind.
The goal of reflex zone foot massage is to activate the body’s self-healing capabilities and restore its natural balance. It strengthens the immune system, enhances the elimination of toxins, and can positively impact the functioning of most internal organs. Its strong stress-relieving effects help alleviate chronic fatigue by encouraging the release of endorphins, the “happiness hormone.” This massage is refreshing and tension-relieving.
During these massages, we use the products of FOREVER LIVING PRODUCTS!
Kozmetikai arckezelések: Forever Sonya® Color Collection
A gyengéd arckezelés során a bőrt letisztítjuk Aloe Removerrel és Exfollating Cleanser-rel, majd eltávolítjuk az elhalt hámsejteket Forever Aloe Scrub-bal. Az arcot áttöröljük Rehidrating Toner-rel majd egy intenzív hatású maszkkal kényeztetjük bőröd, melyet a csodálatos Facial Contour Mask Powder és Aktivátor keverékéből készítünk. Lemosás után a Firming Foundation Lotiont használjuk, mely egész napra hidratálja és táplálja bőrödet.
Ez egy időmegállító arckezelés, melynek során alapos arctisztítás után Forever Alluring Eyes aktivátorral feltöltjük a szemkörnyék ráncait. Az arcra, nyakra egy átitatott maszkszövetet helyezünk, majd a speciális bőrfeszesítő masszázzsal nagyon hatékony eredményt érünk el.
Az arc letisztítását követően eltávolítjuk a bőrről az elhalt hámsejteket és áttöröljük azt Rehidrating Toner-rel. Az arcra bőségesen felpakolunk a Forever Marine Mask-ból, mely a tenger energiáit és kincseit tölti a bőrbe.
Összevegyítjük az Aloe Moistrurizing Lotion és az Alpha E Factor értékes alkotó elemeit, majd a keveréket alapos arc és nyak tisztítás után felvisszük bőrödre. Mindezt lefedjük Aktivátorral átitatott maszkszövettel. Masszírozással és kevés First-tel az utolsó cseppig a bőrbe juttatjuk e fantasztikus hidratáló-tápláló anyagot.
Arctisztítás és arcradírozás után bombaként fog hatni a bőrre, ha a Recovering Night Creme és az Alpha E Factor keverékét felvisszük az arcra, majd ezt lefedjük Aktivátorral átitatott maszkszövettel és a maradék krémet alaposan belemasszírozzuk.