Terms and Conditions

General Business Terms and Conditions

1. Data of the Service Provider:

Name: Hotel Kastély Szirák
Address: H-1184 Budapest, Fonal utca 2/a.
Mailing address: H-3044 Szirák, Petőfi u. 26
Telephone: +36 32 485 300
Fax: +36 32 485 285
E-mail: info@kastelyszirak.hu
Web: www.kastelyszirak.hu


2. General Rules

2.1. The “General Terms and Conditions” (hereinafter T&C) regulate the use of accommodation operated by the Service Provider (HOTEL KASTÉLY SZIRÁK****) and its services.

2.2. Individual conditions are not part of these General Terms and Conditions, but they do not exclude the conclusion of separate, special agreements with travel agents and organizers, sometimes with different conditions suitable for the given business.


3. Contractor

3.1. The services provided by the Service Provider are used by the Guest.

3.2. If the Guest places the order for the services directly with the Service Provider, the Guest will be the Contracting Party. The Service Provider and the Guest together, if the conditions are met, become contractual parties (hereinafter Parties).

3.3. If the order for the services is submitted to the Service Provider by a third party (hereinafter referred to as the Intermediary) on behalf of the guest, the terms of cooperation are governed by the agreement between the Service Provider and the Intermediary. In this case, the Service Provider is not obliged to check whether the third party legally represents the Guest.


4. The method and conditions of using the Service

4.1. In all cases, the Service Provider will send a written offer to the Guest’s oral or written request for an offer. f no specific order is received within 48 hours of the offer being sent, the Service Provider’s obligation to make an offer shall cease.

4.2. The Contract shall only be concluded upon written confirmation of the Guest’s written reservation by the Service Provider, and shall therefore be deemed to be a Contract concluded in writing.

4.3. A verbal reservation, agreement, amendment, or its verbal confirmation by the Service Provider does not constitute a contract.

4.4. The Accommodation Service Contract is for a limited period.

4.5. If the Guest permanently leaves the room before the expiry of the set period, the Service Provider is entitled to the full price of the service provided for in the Contract. The Service Provider is entitled to resell a room vacated before the expiration date.

4.6. The prior consent of the Service Provider is required for the extension of the accommodation service initiated by the Guest. In this case, the Service Provider may request reimbursement of the service already provided.

4.7. Any amendment and/or addition to the Contract shall require the written agreement signed by the Parties.


5. Arrival and departure to the hotel / Check-in – Check-out

5.1. Rooms can be booked from 14:00 on the day of arrival and are available until 11:00 (10:00 for groups) on the day of departure. Depending on the occupancy of the hotel, early arrival and late departure are available for a fee.


6. Prices

6.1. Hotel room rates (Rack Rate) are posted in the hotel room or at the hotel reception.

6.2. The price lists for other services are available in the respective hotel section (Restaurant, SONYA Wellness, Bowling alley).

6.3. The Guest can always obtain information about the price of the services at the reception desk of the hotel before the services are provided.

6.4. The Service Provider may change its advertised prices without prior notice. Current hotel rates are available on the hotel website (www.kastelyszirak.hu).

6.5. When communicating the prices, the Service Provider shall indicate the rate of the tax content (VAT, IFA) of the prices applicable at the time of the offer, as regulated by law. The published prices include VAT as provided by law, but do not include tourist tax, which is payable on the spot. The Service Provider shall, upon prior notice, pass on to the Contracting Party any additional charges due to changes in the applicable tax law (VAT, IFA).


7. Offers, discounts

7.1. With the exception of daily room rates, the Service Provider’s offers are only available to Guests with a limited number of rooms.

7.2. Current offers, discounts and promotions are published on the hotel website.

7.3. Advertised discounts always apply to individual room bookings, unless specifically communicated otherwise.

7.4. The advertised discounts cannot be combined with any other discounts.

7.5. Discounted rates are always subject to availability.


8. Discounts for children

8.1. Children sharing a room with their parents are entitled to the following discounted rates:

8.1.1. From 0 to 3.99 years of age, accommodation with breakfast is free

8.1.2. From the age of 4 to 10, 50% of the price of the extra bed and the boarding service will be invoiced

8.1.3. For children over the age of 10, the adult extra bed prices and tariffs apply.

8.2. It is only possible to place an extra bed or cot in certain room types.

8.3. The request for an extra bed or baby bed must be agreed with the service provider in advance, at the same time as the reservation.


9. Pets

9.1. Pets are not allowed in our hotel.


10. Cancellation policy

10.1. If no other condition has been specified in the hotel’s offer, it is possible to cancel the accommodation service free of charge on the 3rd day before arrival, until 16:00 local time.

10.2. If the Contracting Party has not ensured the use of the accommodation services by advance payment, credit card guarantee, or in other ways stipulated in the Contract, the Service Provider’s service obligation will cease after 18:00 local time on the day of arrival.

10.3. If the Contracting Party has secured the use of the accommodation services through advance payment, credit card guarantee or other means provided for in the Contract and does not arrive on the day of arrival, the Service Provider shall charge a penalty of the amount specified in the Contract, but not less than one day’s accommodation fee. In this case, the accommodation shall be reserved for the Contracting Party until 12:00 noon on the day following the day of arrival, after which the Service Provider’s obligation to provide the service shall cease.

10.4. In the case of booking products subject to special conditions, group bookings or events, the Service Provider establishes conditions set out in a separate contract that differ from the above.

10.5. Cancellation and modification conditions for group bookings are as follows:

10.5.1. Cancellation of the entire room quantity without penalty is possible up to 60 days before arrival

10.5.2. 30% of the original room block may be cancelled free of charge up to 30 days before arrival

10.5.3. Up to the 16th day before arrival, 15% of the original room block can be cancelled without penalty

10.5.4. Up to 7 days before arrival, 9% of the original room block may be cancelled free of charge

10.5.5. Cancellations made within 7 days of arrival and rooms cancelled in excess of the no-penalty part are subject to a 100% penalty.


11. Payment method, guarantee

11.1. The price of the services ordered can be paid on the spot by cash, credit card or bank transfer.

11.2. In the case of bank transfer – unless otherwise stipulated in the agreement with the service provider – the Guest must transfer the value of the ordered services to the hotel’s bank account before arrival.

11.3. It is possible to guarantee an individual room reservation by entering bank card details or paying in advance. In the case of a credit card guarantee, 1 day’s room rate per deposit will be charged to the credit card provided 72 hours prior to arrival, while in the case of a prepayment, 1 day’s room rate per deposit will be invoiced.

11.4. Options on other methods of payment – SZÉP Card, Erzsébet voucher, etc. – can be found on the hotel website.


12. Refusal to perform the contract, termination of the service obligation

12.1. The Service Provider is entitled to terminate the Accommodation Service Contract with immediate effect, and thus refuse to provide the services, if:

12.1.1. the Guest does not make proper use of the room or facilities provided

12.1.2. the Guest behaves in an objectionable and rude manner with the security and order of the accommodation, its employees, is under the influence of alcohol or drugs, shows threatening, insulting or other unacceptable behaviour

12.1.3. the Guest suffers from an infectious disease

12.1.4. the Contracting Party fails to fulfil its advance payment obligation under the Contract by the specified date.

12.2. If the contract between the parties is not fulfilled for reasons of “force majeure”, the contract shall be terminated.


13. Placement guarantee

13.1. If the Service Provider’s hotel cannot provide the services included in the Contract due to its own fault (e.g. overbooking, temporary operational problems, etc.), the Service Provider is obliged to arrange the Guest’s accommodation immediately.

13.2. The Service Provider is obliged:

13.2.1. to provide/offer the services included in the Contract, at the price confirmed therein, for the period stipulated therein – or until the obstruction ceases – at another accommodation of the same or higher category. All additional costs of providing replacement accommodation shall be borne by the Service Provider.

13.2.2. to provide the Guest with the opportunity to make a one-time telephone call free of charge to notify the change of the accommodation

13.2.3. to provide a free transfer for the Guest to move to the offered alternative accommodation, and to move back later

13.3. If the Service Provider fully complies with these obligations, or if the Guest has accepted the substitute accommodation offered to him, the Contracting Party may not claim any subsequent compensation.


14. Illness or death of the Guest

14.1. If the Guest falls ill while using the accommodation service and is unable to act in his/her own interest, the Service Provider will offer medical assistance.

14.2. In the event of the illness/death of the Guest, the Service Provider claims cost compensation from the sick/deceased’s relative, heir, or bill payer; with regard to possible medical and procedural costs, compensation for services used before death, and possible damage to equipment and furnishings in connection with the illness/death.


15. Rights of the Contracting Party

15.1. Pursuant to the Contract, the Guest is entitled to use the room booked and the facilities of the accommodation for the purpose intended, which are included in the normal range of services and are not subject to special conditions.

15.2. The Guest may make a complaint about the performance of the services provided by the Service Provider during the stay at the accommodation. During this period, the Service Provider undertakes to deal with any complaint submitted to it (or recorded by it) with written confirmation

15.3. The Guest’s right to complain ceases after departure from the accommodation.


16. Obligations of the Contracting Party

16.1. The Contracting Party is obliged to settle the consideration for the services ordered in the Contract by the date and in the manner specified in the Contract.

16.2. The Guest ensures that the child under 14 under his/her responsibility stays in the Service Provider’s hotel only under the supervision of an adult.

16.3. Guests are not allowed to bring their own food and drink into the catering facilities of the hotel.


17. The Contracting Party’s liability for damages

17.1. The Guest is liable for all damages and losses suffered by the Service Provider or third parties due to the fault of the Guest or his/her companion or other persons under his/her responsibility. This liability shall apply even if the injured party has the right to claim compensation for the damage directly from the Service Provider.


18. Rights of the Service Provider

18.1. If the Guest fails to meet his/her obligation to pay the charges for the services used or ordered in the Contract but not used, the Service Provider shall be entitled to a lien on the Guest’s personal property that he/she has brought with him/her to the hotel to secure his/her claims.


19. Obligations of the Service Provider

19.1. providing accommodation and other services ordered under the contract in accordance with the applicable regulations and service standards

19.2. investigating the Guest’s written complaint and taking the necessary steps to deal with the problem, recording them in writing


20. Liability of the Service Provider for damages

20.1. The Service Provider shall be liable for any damage caused to the Guest within its facilities due to the fault of the Service Provider or its employees.

20.2. The Service Provider’s liability does not extend to damage caused by an unavoidable cause beyond the control of the Service Provider’s employees and guests, or caused by the guest himself.

20.3. The Supplier may designate places in the hotel where the Guest is not allowed to enter. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any damage or injury caused in such places.

20.4. The Guest must immediately report the damage to the hotel and provide the hotel with all the necessary information to clarify the circumstances of the damage, possibly for the police report/police procedure.

20.5. The Service Provider shall also be liable for any loss, destruction or damage to the Guest’s belongings, if the Guest has placed them in the place designated by the Service Provider or in the room where they are usually kept, or if the Guest has handed them over to an employee of the Service Provider who is entitled to receive them.

20.6. The Service Provider is only liable for valuables, securities and cash if the item has been expressly accepted for safekeeping or if the damage occurred for a reason for which the Service Provider is liable under the general rules. In this case, the burden of proof is on the Guest.

20.7. The amount of compensation is 50 times the daily room rate under the Contract, unless the damage is less.


21. Confidentiality

21.1. In the performance of its obligations under the Contract, the Service Provider shall act in accordance with the provisions of Act LXIII of 1992 on the protection of personal data and the disclosure of data of public interest, and the provisions of the relevant legislation on data protection – and, if the Contracting Party has brought this to the attention of the Service Provider – the relevant internal rules of the Contracting Party.


22. Force majeure

22.1Any cause or circumstance (for example; war, fire, flood, adverse weather, power failure, strike) over which a party has no control (force majeure) shall relieve either party from performance of its obligations under the Contract for so long as such cause or circumstance exists. The parties agree to use their best endeavours to minimise the possibility of these causes and circumstances occurring and to remedy any damage or delay caused thereby as soon as possible.


23. Law applicable to the relationship between the parties, competent court

23.1. The legal relationship between the Service Provider and the Contracting Party shall be governed by the provisions of Hungarian law.


24. Website

24.1. Data of website visitors

24.1.1. The Service Provider does not record the user’s IP address or other personal data when visiting the website it operates. When you visit the website, you can search freely and anonymously. The Service Provider uses anonymous visits to the Internet solely for statistical purposes, to optimize its Internet presence, to increase the security of the system, and the recorded data does not contain any personal data.

24.1.2. The Service Provider treats all data and facts about the Users confidentially and uses them exclusively for the development of its services, the sale of advertising spaces and for its own research and statistics. These statements are published only in a form that does not allow the individual identification of each User.

24.1.3. The Service Provider may place so-called cookies on the User’s computer while the User is browsing. The User may delete them from his/her computer or prohibit their use in the browser. During the visit of the website, the start and end time of the User’s visit is automatically recorded, and in some cases, depending on the User’s computer settings, the type of browser and operating system. The system automatically generates statistics from this data. The operator does not link this data to personal data.

24.1.4. The Service Provider does not assume any responsibility for the previous pages that have been deleted but archived with the help of Internet search engines. The operator of the search page must ensure that they are removed.

24.1.5. The html code of the websites operated by the Service Provider may contain independent links from and to external servers for the purpose of web analytics measurements. The web analytics provider does not process personal data, only browsing-related data that cannot be used to identify individuals. Currently, web analytics services are provided by Statcounter.hu. For more information about our privacy policy: https://statcounter.com/about/legal/

24.2. Newsletter

24.2.1. The Service Provider delivers online Newsletters and electronic direct marketing messages (hereinafter: Newsletter) containing novelties, news and offers to persons who subscribe to the newsletters of the website it operates once a month.

24.2.2. To subscribe to the Newsletter, you must enter your name and e-mail address. By subscribing to the Newsletter, the User consents to the processing of the data provided. The Service Provider manages the data as long as the data subject does not request their deletion.

24.2.3. A direct link to unsubscribe is provided in each newsletter and is also available on the website.

24.2.4. The User is responsible for the accuracy of the personal data provided.

24.3. Security of data management

24.3.1The Service Provider protects the data in particular against unauthorized access, alteration, transmission, disclosure, deletion or destruction, as well as against accidental destruction and damage.

24.3.2. The Service Provider, together with the server operators, shall ensure the security of the data by means of technical, organisational and structural measures that provide a level of protection appropriate to the risks associated with data management.

24.3.3. The personal data provided by the User may be accessed by the staff of the Data Controller. Personal data shall not be disclosed by the controller to third parties other than the designated persons. This does not apply to any mandatory data transfers required by law, which may only take place in exceptional cases. Before executing each request for data from public authorities, the controller shall verify for each data item whether there is a legal basis for the transfer.

24.3.4. The Service Provider will not disclose personal data to third parties except with the prior and explicit consent of the data subject.

24.3.5The User acknowledges that the Service Provider is obliged by law to disclose personal data to the requesting authority, provided that the legal conditions for such disclosure are met. The User may not object to the provision of data based on the law, official or court decision.


25. Privacy Statement

25.1. The Service Provider attaches great importance to the protection of personal data in its activities. In any case, it shall process the personal data provided to it in compliance with the legislation in force, ensure their security, take the technical and organisational measures and establish the procedural rules necessary to comply with the applicable legislation.

25.2. This privacy statement is drawn up in accordance with the legislation in force, in particular with regard to

25.3. Act LXIII of 1992 on the Protection of Personal Data and the Disclosure of Data of Public Interest (hereinafter referred to as the Data Protection Act);

25.4. Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data;

25.5.  to Act VI of 1998 on the proclamation of the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, signed in Strasbourg on 28 January 1981;

25.6. Act CVIII of 2001 on certain aspects of electronic commerce services and information society services;

25.7. Act CXIX of 1995 on the processing of name and address data for the purposes of research and direct marketing.


26. The processing of personal data in the course of the Service Provider’s activities is always based on voluntary consent. In accordance with the Data Protection Act, the Service Provider uses Users’ data solely for the purposes of contracting, billing and its own advertising.


27. Rights of data subjects and their enforcement

27.1. The data subject may request information about the processing of his or her personal data and may request the rectification or – with the exception of data processing required by law – the erasure of his or her personal data at the Service Provider’s contact details provided in this statement.

27.2. At the request of the data subject, the Service Provider shall provide information about the data processed by it, the purpose, legal basis and duration of the processing, the name, address (registered office) and activity of the data processor, as well as who is receiving or has received the data and for what purpose. The Service Provider is obliged to provide the information free of charge in writing, in an intelligible form, within the shortest possible period of time from the submission of the request, but not later than 30 days.

27.3. The Service Provider shall correct personal data that is not accurate upon the data subject’s request.

27.4. The Service Provider will delete the personal data if

27.4.1. its processing is unlawful,

27.4.2. the data subject requests,

27.4.3. the data is incomplete or inaccurate – and this situation cannot be lawfully corrected – provided that deletion is not excluded by law,

27.4.4. the purpose of the processing ceases to exist,

27.4.5. the statutory time limit for storing the data has expired,

27.4.6. ordered to do so by a court or the Data Protection Commissioner.

27.5. The rectification and erasure will be notified to the data subject and to all those to whom the data were previously disclosed for processing. Notification may be omitted if this does not harm the legitimate interests of the data subject having regard to the purposes of the processing.

27.6. In the event of a violation of their rights, the data subject may apply to the court against the data controller.

27.7. The Service Provider compensates the damage caused to others by the illegal processing of the data subject or by violating the requirements of technical data protection. The controller shall be exempt from liability if it proves that the damage was caused by an unavoidable cause outside the scope of the processing. No compensation shall be due in so far as the damage was caused intentionally or through gross negligence on the part of the injured party.

27.8. Legal remedies and complaints can be made at the office of the Data Protection Commissioner at the following contact details:

Name: Adatvédelmi Biztos Hivatala
Address: 1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 22.
Mailing address: 1387 Budapest, Pf. 40.
Telephone: 36- 1-475-7186, 36- 1-475-7100
Fax: 36-1-269-3541
E-mail: adatved@obh.hu
Website: www.abiweb.obh.hu

Data protection

  1. The Service Provider attaches great importance to the protection of personal data in its activities. In any event, it shall process the personal data provided to it in compliance with the legislation in force, ensure their security, take the technical and organisational measures and establish the procedural rules necessary to comply with the applicable legislation.
  2. This privacy statement is drawn up in accordance with the legislation in force, in particular with regard to

2.1. Act LXIII of 1992 on the Protection of Personal Data and the Disclosure of Data of Public Interest (hereinafter referred to as the Data Protection Act);

2.2 Directive 95/46/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 24 October 1995 on the protection of individuals with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data;

2.3. to Act VI of 1998 on the proclamation of the Convention for the Protection of Individuals with regard to Automatic Processing of Personal Data, signed in Strasbourg on 28 January 1981;

2.4. Act CVIII of 2001 on certain aspects of electronic commerce services and information society services;

2.5. Act CXIX of 1995 on the processing of name and address data for the purposes of research and direct marketing.

  1. The processing of personal data in the course of the Service Provider’s activities is always based on voluntary consent. In accordance with the Data Protection Act, the Service Provider uses Users’ data solely for the purposes of contracting, billing and its own advertising.
  2. Rights of data subjects and their enforcement

4.1. The data subject may request information about the processing of his or her personal data and may request the rectification or – with the exception of data processing required by law – the erasure of his or her personal data at the Service Provider’s contact details provided in this statement.

4.2. At the request of the data subject, the Service Provider shall provide information on the data processed by it, the purpose, legal basis and duration of the processing, the name, address (registered office) and activity of the data processor, as well as the persons who receive or have received the data and the purposes for which the data are received. The Service Provider is obliged to provide the information free of charge in writing, in an intelligible form, within the shortest possible period of time from the submission of the request, but not later than 30 days.

4.3. The Service Provider will correct personal data that is not accurate at the request of the data subject.

4.4. The Service Provider will delete the personal data if

4.4.1. its processing is unlawful,

4.4.2. the data subject requests,

4.4.3. the data is incomplete or inaccurate – and this situation cannot be lawfully corrected – provided that deletion is not precluded by law,

4.4.4. the purpose of the processing has ceased,

4.4.5. the statutory time limit for storing the data has expired,

4.4.6. ordered by a court or the Data Protection Commissioner.

4.5. The correction and deletion will be notified to the data subject and to all those to whom the data was previously transmitted for the purpose of data management. The notification can be omitted if this does not harm the legitimate interests of the data subject in view of the purpose of the data management.

4.6. In the event of a violation of their rights, the data subject may apply to the court against the data controller.

4.7. The Service Provider compensates the damage caused to others by the illegal processing of the data subject or by violating the requirements of technical data protection. The controller shall be exempt from liability if it proves that the damage was caused by an unavoidable cause outside the scope of the processing. No compensation shall be due in so far as the damage was caused intentionally or through gross negligence on the part of the injured party.

4.8. Remedies and complaints can be lodged with the Data Protection Commissioner’s office at the following contact details:

Name: Adatvédelmi Biztos Hivatala

Address: 1051 Budapest, Nádor u. 22.

Mailing address: 1387 Budapest, Pf. 40.

Telephone: 36- 1-475-7186, 36- 1-475-7100


E-mail: adatved@obh.hu

Website: www.abiweb.obh.hu


4.9. Data controller’s data, contact details

Name: Phőnix Budapest Kft. Hotel Kastély Szirák

Address: H-1184 Budapest, Fonal utca 2/a.

Mailing address: H-3044 Szirák, Petőfi u. 26

Telephone: +36 32 485 300

Fax: +36 32 485 285

E-mail: info@kastelyszirak.hu

Web: www.kastelyszirak.hu


Legal declaration

  1. By using the services available on the Service Provider’s website, the User accepts the terms and conditions listed here.
  2. The Service Provider has made all reasonable efforts to ensure that all information on the website is accurate at the time of uploading. Despite this, the Service Provider does not assume any responsibility or warranty, express or implied, for the information provided through this website and reserves the right to make changes and corrections, or to discontinue the website or the information provided on it, in whole or in part, at any time without notice.
  3. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any inaccuracies or omissions in the website. The offers are not legally binding and do not constitute any form of obligation for the Service Provider. Any decision based on the information on the website is the User’s own responsibility.
  4. The Service Provider is not responsible for any loss or damage resulting from access to the website or any information found there, or from the failure to access or use them.
  5. The Service Provider shall not be liable for any content created, transmitted, stored, made available or published by third parties to which the Service Provider’s website is linked or referred to.
  6. The Service Provider does not guarantee that access to the website will be continuous or error-free. The Service Provider is not responsible for any damages, losses, or costs that may occur as a result of the use of the website, its unusable condition, improper operation, malfunction, unauthorized change of data by anyone, or that result from information transmission delays, computer viruses, line – or they originate from a system error or other similar reason.
  7. The Service Provider treats all information concerning the person, data and existing business relationships of its customers, partners and other clients as trade secrets. Only the relevant data provider can grant an exemption from treatment as a business secret. The Service Provider shall treat all data provided to it via the Internet with the same protection as if it had been provided to it by other means.


  1. Copyright

8.1. The Service Provider’s website, all visual, audio and textual content and their arrangement, in particular names, logos and graphics, information, analyses and other information material are protected by copyright.

8.2. Any use of all or part of the contents of this website, in particular reproduction, transfer, distribution, adaptation or storage, in any form whatsoever, other than for personal use, is only permitted with the express written permission of the Service Provider.

8.3. The entire content of the website is owned and at the disposal of the Service Provider. The content of this website is protected by copyright. Unless otherwise provided by Act LXXVI of 1999 on Copyright, no part of the website may be copied or published without the prior written consent of the Service Provider.

8.4. For personal use, the user is permitted to store or print out the content or extracts of the website on a computer.

8.5. The sender is solely responsible for the content of messages uploaded to the website or sent to the Service Provider and for the truthfulness and accuracy of the information contained therein. The website is a service for visitors. The Service Provider reserves the right to change or amend the content of the website at any time without notice and without giving any reason.

8.6. Any use of the website that deviates from or violates the terms and conditions of the Service Provider as detailed above may result in copyright, civil and criminal penalties. The Service Provider will take action against any infringement of which it becomes aware.

  1. Should any term of the legal notice be deemed invalid under the applicable law, this shall not affect the validity of the other terms.