Ordering and delivery
If you are about to organize family events but you would rather leave the food preparation to somebody else, we are here for you with fresh and delicious meals!
We take on the work of preparing old cuts, family sized meat platters and deliver them. We will grant your personal requests after previous conciliation. Inquire about details on phone.
We welcome your inquiries and orders on the following phone numbers:
Personal pickup only:
- Szirák
Home delivery:
- Bér,
- Egyházasdengeleg,
- Kisbágyon
- Buják,
- Szarvasgede,
- Héhalom,
- Palotás,
- Vanyarc
Payment methods:
Cash, bank card, SZÉP card
Please indicate how you would like to pay when placing your order!
The entire staff and the suppliers of the castle hotel follow every hygiene requirement.